Fabian Löschner

Profile photo

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Welcome to my profile

I'm a PhD student in the Computer Animation group at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. My research interests include simulation of large deformations using (higher-order) FEM and higher-order time integration in physically-based animation. I'm interested in exploring the behavior of non-classical material models and how to make them more approachable for application in computer graphics.
In my spare time I love traveling and taking photos or working on personal coding projects (mostly in Rust now) as well as playing video games.


This is a list of the publications I worked on as first-author. Check out my staff entry on our research group's website for a list of all publications I was involved in and co-authored.


On GitHub, I made smaller contributions to several open source projects. As @w1th0utnam3, I'm also maintainer of the following notable project(s):


Photos from my 500px profile
During vacations I like to travel and try to improve my photography skills. Have a look through my 500px portfolio.


If you want to contact me you can write to my university mail address: loeschner@cs.rwth-aachen.de or send me a private message at twitter.